Today, Teacher of YA, was the last stop on the tour! I want to thank all of the bloggers who were willing to share THE CONCLAVE‘s launch with me. Now, it’s out in the world……hopefully being enjoyed!
A couple things to note:
THE CONVERGENCE and THE KEEP are still on sale for $.99 thru tomorrow (the 26th).
The giveaway included as part of my blog tour will continue into the first week of August. If you haven’t entered to win the $50 Amazon gift card! Do so now! $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
The paperback IS available, but Amazon hasn’t merged the paperback and e-copy of THE CONCLAVE into one page, so if you are wanting the paperback and don’t see it there, click on my author link and you’ll find it there! Or here: THE CONCLAVE Paperback Version
As for future plans, I’m going to be submitting THE CONVERGENCE for some awards, so wish me luck there! And I’m going to start back into the writing when the kids head back to school in a month. (My littlest is heading to kindergarten and I’m going to need something to keep my mind off the trauma of her leaving me!)
For now, I’m going to enjoy my summer with camping, swimming, traveling, and a whole lot of reading!!!! I wish the same for all of you! (And that THE CONCLAVE is on those reading lists! ) Happy summer reading, my friends!
I’m so wanting to know when you win those awards! You better let me know if there’s voting involved so I can go show my support!
Oh, you better believe I will. I need all the votes I can get!