Yes, this a very sarcastic title. Because let me just tell you right now, FORMATTING IS NOT FUN.
My husband and I thought it would be no problem—we’re pretty computer savy people. But knowing computer and knowing how to format are two very different things. I know that now—after a very long weekend. When I say long weekend that doesn’t sound too bad. One weekend? No problem. But consider this… the weekend was full of me backtalking youtube videos (they make it seem easy), numerous arguments with inanimate objects (my computer received quiet the blistering set down), and my husband lightly hinting that paying someone to do it (no matter the cost) wouldn’t be a bad way to go. The end result?
Sheer joy.
No, now I am being serious. When I uploaded that book and it looked perfect in the preview, it was amazing. I didn’t just write the book, but I had made it look like a real-live novel.
If I was talented enough to do the cover I would do that too, but there are times we must leave things in much more capable hands. (And luckily I have a friend who is extremely talented at that sort of thing). So all of my friends out there thinking of self-publishing (even my computer savy ones), it is worth it. That pride of ownership is a powerful thing. I cannot wait to see my hard copy. These moments of triumph make it worth it. I promise…and I’m not even being sarcastic.