Hey, everyone! Since it’s the first day of summer break—and party time—today’s post will be short and news-like.
*First things first! I’m waiting until the end of the summer to hear back from a few agents/publishers. So, by September I will have set news on representation or will be moving forward with self-publishing.
*In the meantime, I am working on a sequel to The Convergence. The first draft for this should be done by fall as well.
*Also, there’s going to be some changes to the website in the next couple of months, so be looking for those. They should make it easier to navigate, comment, receive news updates, etc.
*Last, but not least, I will be posting more sneak peaks at The Convergence like memes, the first chapter, and possible covers.
That’s all of the excitement for the moment. I promise as soon as I have more news it will posted here!! Have a great summer my friends and great reading!